Sticker Design


Sticker Design


Sticker Design fills an important niche in advertising, entertainment, communication, education, and so many other fields. One can scarcely imagine the importance that the usage of stickers has on our everyday world and how drab and one-dimensional the world would seem to be without stickers. Stickers come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and uses. They can be as utilitarian as a price tag devised to mark a loaf of bread or as sophisticated and complex as the plastics and adhesives used in government level identification cards.

Sticker Design fills an important niche in advertising, entertainment, communication, education, and so much more. One can scarcely imagine the importance that the usage of stickers has on our everyday world and how drab and one-dimensional the world would seem to be without stickers. Stickers come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and uses. They can be as utilitarian as a price tag devised to mark a loaf of bread or as sophisticated and complex as the plastics and adhesives used in government level identification cards.

The Sticker Design industry is a vibrant and important one. It is truly an integral and intertwined fixture of life in today's graphically oriented world. There exist different sources for whatever particular style of design the consumer has need of. A sticker can consist of simple lettering, or intricate, detailed, painstaking artwork.
As sticker design has such an important place in the workaday world as well as the world of commerce, the ready availability of stickers is apparent. There are factories dedicated to the mass design and production of enormous numbers of stickers, according to order, size, detail, and batch. Conversely, a thriving and vibrant cottage industry of small scale sticker print shops have come about within the last generation, ensuring an inexpensive and convenient source of sticker depending on the need.

What first began as a hand-made endeavor using simply paper and glue has evolved into a sleek, eye-catching, multi-billion dollar per year industry. As business becomes more fluid and its need for effective, hard hitting communication grows, it is a fairly good bet that there will remain a demand for various types of decals and stickers. With the help of dedicated machinery, personal computers and other technology, all that is missing is an active imagination and order. The opportunities abound for the talented artist or visionary who can transfer his vision to media in a succinct and memorable way.